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Jobb inom forskning och högre utbildningssektorn

Prospective PhD students can apply for a Promovendus position. Selected students will be offered a four-year contract, during which they complete courses and research projects. A promovendus position may also include teaching and other departmental duties. Mid Sweden University, SE-851 70 Sundsvall, Sweden ISSN 1652-893X Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis 114 ISBN 978-91-86694-56-2 . PhD studies and for all his help and guidance in my academic studies and daily research work throughout all of these years.

Mid sweden university phd vacancies

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The PhD Program in Business Administration (240 ECTS) has a history of over 50 years. Our overall purpose is to give the doctoral student a deepened and broadened theoretical and methodological knowledge, alongside the experience of having completed a substantial piece of original scientific work. Som forskare är du med och bidrar till att samhället utvecklas. Som forskarstudent på MDH finns det en rad stödfunktioner. Biblioteket erbjuder bland annat forskarservice inom en mängd områden för att underlätta din studietid. Brief description: For high performing students applying to a study programme at Mid Sweden University, the University is offering a number of scholarships which will result in a tuition fee reduction of 70 000 SEK, 140 000 SEK or 250 000 SEK depending on the chosen programme.

Application deadline is April 23, 2021.

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Doctoral education (PhD) overview. Doctoral candidates at Lund University are not only well prepared for successful careers as independent researchers, but they also have strong possibilities to publish their work independently during their studies and to gain significant teaching experience.

Mid sweden university phd vacancies


Mid sweden university phd vacancies

Ingo Hölscher +46 13 28 40 15 ingo.holscher@liu.se How to apply for vacancies. Click on the job posting that you want to apply for. Fill in the application on the registration page and submit your supporting documents. Submit the application by accepting the terms and conditions and clicking the registration button.

A promovendus position may also include teaching and other departmental duties. Work at NTNU.
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Doctoral education is conducted at all four schools and the university has about 203 doctoral students.

Senior lecturer in Psychology. Karlstad.
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Environmental Physiology Group - Mid Sweden University

If you are one of our appointed external experts, please find below information to help you complete your assignment. One Postdoctoral research fellow in Political science, associated with a research project on Public. services. 2021-04-15.